In Our House
Click on the artwork to view a larger image
framed dimension: 23 x 19.5 in.
no edition number
Etching is an intaglio process. A metal plate is covered with a wax ground. The artist then draws the image in the wax with a stylus, exposing the metal. The plate is then placed in an acid bath – the acid etches the metal where ever it is exposed. Ink is then applied and the image appears from where the ink is trapped where the artist incised.
Colour etchings are obtained by making two or three plates, each holding different elements of the image and inked in a number of colours. The paper is passed backwards and forwards through the press, each time with a different plate. Sometimes when the print is dry, a little hand tinting with watercolour is necessary to complete the image. -Artmondo
Intanglio is a collective name for the process of printing from an image incised into a plate. In the intaglio process, the entire plate is covered with colour (usually ink) and then wiped clean however the ink remains in the incisions. The plate is then pressed against paper with great pressure and the image is printed where ever the incisions have trapped the ink.
Click here to read all about photo transfer in printmaking.